Senin, 03 Januari 2011

Healthy Life by Vegetarian Diet

Dear my lecturer and my beloved friends whom come to the Public Speaking class….
Good afternoon everybody, first of all, let me say thank to God that give us this special occasion to stay here and let me to stand in front of the class to give a little speech about the advantage of Vegetarian Diet. I really appreciate that all of you can take your busy time to join this kind of communication, and hoping that all of us can add and widen our knowledge about the subject that I am concern about.
First of all, I am in favor to say that my dear lecturer and all friends would be very agree that healthy is one of the importance thing that we used to care about. This matter wouldn’t be a simple problem if our bodies are in a blue condition, many things could be affected by this situation, such as avoiding our routine, our work, our day in life. Hence, I want to remark this as an extreme honor to tell all of you here to aware about the value aspect of Vegetarian Diet which is one of the key to possess a healthy life.
Today, Vegetarian Diet became one of a successful ways to get a healthy life. It has gained extreme popularity all over the globe. This kind of diet characteristically is the form of grains, vegetables, nuts, cereals, seeds, beans and fruits, which can be underlined as Green Leaf, Vegetables, and Fruits. These three basics of menu consists a powerful and pleasure advances to our body. The Green Leaf could be ate by pickle or directly with cleaning the leaf hygienically, and believe it or not Green Leaf was one richest sources of antioxidant that very useful to our body.
The second and third basic of Vegetarian Diet was vegetables and fruits. Vegetables could be cooked, or boiled or whatsoever. These two menus supported us to lost the over weight of the body or can be useful to get a thin body. As a result, it can minimize the risk of weight gain and reducing the possibilities from obesity. And the last of the issue that I am going to tell was the controlling of diabetes. By consuming the vegetarian menu, our body could provide natural sugars, which was the beneficial enzymes and low amount of fats, cholesterols, and saturated fats to decrease the risk of various disorders such as blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer, etc.
After all, Healthy was a big deal even there was a proverb said “Sehat itu Mahal”, we should mind about it. Although, there ware certain advantage and disadvantage of Vegetarian Diet. All I want to conclude that, you have to plan your own diet properly to get your own health. As a closing, healthy eating was a key to healthy living.
Thank you very much for all your attention, I hope this kind of speech can make you realize the important of healthy, and I hope with my little explanation would open your mind to develop it to your own goodness.

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